Management consulting

Management consulting is one of the methods of system development of management of organizations (firms, companies) as well as social system formation and development method. In the broadest sense of the word management consulting is the process of application of social technologies to social systems.
It goes without saying that individual company success depends on the quality of its management system. In the framework of management consulting project our center would like to offer you the following services:

  • Business Strategy Development

This stage is based on:

  • Diagnostics of existing  management system of a company
  • Company market research

The work should result in complex definition of company’s objectives as well as justification of the main realization principles.

  • Management structure optimization

Based on the diagnostics of the existing management system and the defined objectives the most effective ways and methods of company management are determined. In addition to that optimal ways of transformation of the existing system into a new one are determined to ensure effective management system operation on the whole.

  • Business process optimization

At the same time optimal management system doesn’t make sense if it is not based on effective system of company’s business processes. The system of business processes comprises all spheres of company’s activity:

  • Incoming deliveries (procurement)
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Outgoing deliveries(logistics)
  • Marketing and sales
  • Human Resource management
  • Informational support
  • Finance

Those procedures should result in well-balanced system of company management in general as well as effective management of individual business processes.

  • Business consulting

If the overall result of our work meets the expectations of company owners, then we can proceed to the next stage of management consulting. At this stage it is important to agree on the regulations of consulting support of company operation and to secure customer support.
As a result of management consulting process the customer secures:

  • Conclusions on the current state of company management system,
  • Management system development proposals,
  • Market research,
  • Marketing strategy, including principles, methods and main trends of company operation in the market,
  • Functional strategies defining main trends of company resource development,
  • Complete organizational design,
  • Methods of strategy realization,
  • Organizational, production and sales plans,
  • Budget and financial indices forecast,
  • Proposals for support regulations of management system implementation.

Entire complex of management consulting realization guarantees efficiency improvement of company’s management system.

If there are any reasons that hinder realization of the entire program of management consulting (for example, shortage of time, means, willingness and preparedness of the staff) we can offer a time-phased consulting program.

If you are interested in our methods, call us at (032) 235-79-74 or send us an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. On familiarizing ourselves with the specifics of your business we will be able to adapt our proposals to your company’s needs and make our presentation.


7 Halytska Sq., Lviv, 79008, Ukraine
Tel: +38 (032) 235 79 74
