Quite often our companies are thinking about the need of developing and finding an investor for these purposes. But we have just to warn you that the issue of investing contains one pitfall. In the case of business development at the expense of credit funds, you will return the loan and find yourself the full owner of the business. In the case of private investment, you will seriously and permanently get a business partner and will have to share with him his share of ownership. But if you plan a serious and reliable business, then it's not a serious problem.
Step 1. Investment project development
Basis of finding an investor is an investment project. In the first place, this document must show that:
- you have resources for project implementation
- you are quite clear in your own mind about the way of project implementation
- you understand the market where you plan to work and know everything about it
- you know how to sell in the chosen market
- you know the financial condition of the market and when you get invested money back
Take into account that in the most cases, potential investors invest money in those business areas where they are well versed. Therefore, inaccuracies in your investment project will be identified quickly enough.
Step 2. Project promotion
Investment project implementation is not the end of the investor searching process. It's necessary to find that (still) potential investor and convince him that investment in your project is the most profitable. As a rule, the process of investor searching includes the following steps:
- Development of investment project presentation
- Organization of presentation spreading among the target groups
There are a large number of channels of investment project development. A lot of various investment data bases, specialized foundations and associations are elaborated to date. Besides regional trade and industrial chambers, economic representatives of the embassies and consulates, and various specialized organizations of economic cooperation deal with investments.
Step 3. Investment project implementation
Having found a potential investor, the stage of project implementation begins. It consists of separate substeps:
- Legal implementation of investor relationship
- Directly the investment process, which can be not only cash assets, but also deliveries of equipments and technologies
- Business processes implementation and production start-up
Step 4. Support
Having launched the project it is necessary to follow the action plan and make timely corrections to possible deviations. The main objective at this stage is to ensure payback period defined by the investment project.
If you are interested in our methods, call us at (032) 235-79-74 or send us an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. On familiarizing ourselves with the specifics of your business we will be able to adapt our proposals to your company’s needs and make our presentation.