'Successful Leader' Training Programme
- Effective team creation and development
- Strategic Management
- Staff Motivation. Tangible and intangible incentives
- Conflict management
- Financial management for the leaders
- Art of management
'Active Sales Techniques' Training Programme
- Active Sales Techniques
- B2B
- Telephone sales technique
- Negotiate easily or the art of negotiation
- Work with customer objections and resistance
- Methods of new customers active search.
- Effective work with the client.
- Marketing for sales managers
- Strategic management of sales
'Personnel Management' Training Programme
- Building a system of training and staff development
- Recruiting
- Staff Adaptation
- Motivation and staff assessment
- The behaviour strategy in conflict situations. Stress carrying capability.
- Staff paperwork. Fundamentals of Labour Code.
- Selfmanagement and timemanagement
'Time Management' Training Programme
- Training of successfulness and confidence.
- Stress Managing
'Hotel and Restaurant Business' Training Programme
- Preparation and launch of the hotel and restaurant complex
- Effective communication in the hotel and restaurant business
- Professional standards in the waiter's work