HR Consulting is a complex of measures aimed to creating, implementing and maintaining the effective human resources management of the company.

The Aim - optimization of HR management technology, modernization, development of personnel architecture of an enterprise.

Fields of activity:
• HR Diagnostics
• Competencies development
• Staff complex assessment
• Motivational programmes development and implementation
• Simulation of corporate culture

People are the core of business, the circulatory system of your enterprise.
Success, development and prosperity - all these categories depend on the team that works for the good of the entire organisation. That is why the HR-consulting is so important for any enterprise today.

HR-Consulting can help the customer’s company to solve the following issues:
• Hiring and adaptation of staff;
• Rotation and staff dismissal;
• Training, evaluation and certification;
• Career planning;
• Staff assessment and motivation.

  • Accounting and Taxation
  • Office Manager
  • Entrepreneurship Basics
  • Universal Computer Course

'Thanks to corporate trainings, special programs,  effective methods, offered by Center consultants, our firm created new strategies of development in corporate, organizational, marketing, financial spheres of activity'. 

V. Lacusta, director of  'SVITYAZ Ltd.'

'High professional level of trainers, possibility to use theoretical knowledge in practical situations, detailed analysis of controversial situation influenced the results in everyday work.'

I. Visovsciy, director of  'IMVO'


'We all estimated profound professionalism, and irreproachable service of your company.'


Anonymous forms:

-'In a short time I have got a good theoretical and practical preparation ("Record-keeping and taxation'  02.03.04. – 07.05.04)

-'Useful information which can be easily applied and can help in future!” ('Manager of modern office' 05-06.2004)

-'Interesting content increased by practical exercises. Possibility to test yourself in various situations and with different clients.' ('Effective sales' 06.2005)

-'The program unites the middle management of company in a real team; Well formed trainers tandem, that is able to sand by, deputize and complement each other' (Enzym, JSC)

-'Having finished the course, it is possible to begin working as an accountant!' ('Record keeping' 10 –12 03. )

-'I stopped to be afraid of computer and become more confident in work.' ('PC 08' - 09.2003 )

-'It was interesting and with creative approach. Best wishes! Very pleased!' ('Manager of modern office' 02.05)

Олена Бей

Olena Bey – director of Business Support Center “ NewBiznet”

Trainer on marketing, personnel management, effective sales, effective negotiations, local expert for program "Ukrainian initiative"

Preparation on the programs:

"Program of training-program preparation " Northwest Enterprise Center Confederation College (Sander-bey, Canada) 1995.
"Program of training-program preparation " Business School of Darem University (Darem, England) 1996.
"Managers preparation program" Certificate of Center CEFRI (Paris, France ) 1994.
"Train-the-Trainer-Program:"Personal Management" IHK Akademie Munchen (Germany) 1997.
Management Akademie Munchen (TACIS Project) 1998.




Уляна Терлецька

Ulyana Terletska- head of training department of BSC NewBiznet.

Trainer on effective sales, time management, personnel management, effective negotiations, local expert and couch of TACIS program dealing with preparation of Ukrainian managers.

Preparation on the programs:

" Program of case-study writing " Business School of Darem University (Darem, England) 1997.
"Conflicts management " (Academy of management of Munich) 1998.
Intensive training-program "Method and didactics of teaching in an adult audience" within the program Train-the-Trainer (Lviv) 1997.
Train-the-Trainer:"Personnel Management" IHK Akademie Munchen (Germany)
Series of trainings within the program "Regulatory Reform in Ukraine" (Kiev) 2003-2004.
Series of trainings for local experts and couches of MTP programs (TACIS) Kiev 2004.
Training for trainers within the DFID program .
"Strategy for Lviv development "

Іванна Затварська

Ivanna Zatvarska-trainer of BSC since 2001, practicing psychologist, regional manager of Masmi-Reyting Ltd.

Preparation on the programs:

European certificate of psychotherapist (psychodrama), (Vienna) 2003.
Austrian School of Psychotherapy (Psychodrama) 1999.
Congress of European Association of Psychotherapy (Lviv) 2003.
German School of Zaydel "Analysis of relations" (Lviv) 1998.
All-Ukrainian conference Psychodrama (Lviv) 2001.
Intensive Business-Program , Preparation of managers and publicity agents (Kiev-Vorzel) 1996.
Austrian Maler-Boushges school, "Principal rule of Analitical Therapy" 1995.
German School of Yozef Barint Group (Lviv) 1995.


Наталія Крук

Natalia  Kruk-trainer-consultant, training-programs "Manager of modern office", "Motivation of personnel", "Linguistic practical work", "Skilled office work". Personnel manager of the JSC "Enzym"(Work experience in personnel service, development of salary package, analysis of necessities in personnel teaching, organization and conducting of programs on personnel training )

Preparation on the programs:

"Manager of small business "
" Personnel management"
"Attestation and estimation of personnel" (BSC NewBiznet)
"Work in a team"
"Negotiation skills "
" Direct sale skills"
"Communication without obstacles" (IQ Consulting, Kiev)
Master-class "Personnel estimation"
CEUME seminars and also "Training of trainers preparation "


Olaksandr Gorshunov - expert-consultant of consulting direction and business-planning projects,trainer-consultant, programs "Basis of enterprise", "Marketing bases", "Marketing researches", consulting on marketing questions.

Teaching and internship:

Hmelnytskyi military institute
Ukrainian institute of business. Ministry of external economic relationship of Ukraine.





Ірина ФедуньIryna Fedun - coach and consultant programs in Financial Management, "Accounting," Accounting for NGOs "
Lviv University, Lviv Institute of Management,
Wayne State University, Ost-West Managemet Centrum (Munich, Germany)

To achieve the ultimate goals of the training we offer the following stages:

1. The preparatory phase of training:


During this phase, managers will identify basic needs and expectations of company management and managers, and future participants of the training. This stage is realized through discussions with participants in the training of their wishes and expectations. At the same time filled with the appropriate forms. There has also been meeting with leaders of companies or divisions, in which more detailed discussion and clarifies the purpose of training, the expectations of the training and requirements. Coaches are analyzing the data profiles and agree on expectations of management with the expectation of the training participants. If necessary, adjustments are made in the training program.

2. Training


Education will be held in the form of intensive training using interactive methods of study. Practical tasks and role-playing game will take 40%, panel discussions and roundtables -25 -%, discussions, presentations - 25%, mini-lectures - 10%. Through the use of interactive methods (a combination of mini-lectures with practical exercises, discussions, presentations) achieved rapid assimilation of the participants knowledge and skills, generating new ideas.

3. Final stage

At this stage a detailed analysis of the training acts. Management of the Company provided an analysis of the training, which includes an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the group and evaluate the work of each participant, as well as recommendations and wishes. This phase also includes the conduct of survey participants of the training in two to three months after training to determine the level of the practical application of skills and new knowledge.

We have an advanced discount system 
for our regular customersOur client take part in the international projects, round tables, seminars.

The optimal number of people in the group 12-14 people.


7 Halytska Sq., Lviv, 79008, Ukraine
Tel: +38 (032) 235 79 74
